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Cirun configuration

File: .cirun.yml

API documentation for Cirun.yml file.

Runners: runners

It containers the spec for the runners that will be spun on each commit.

- name: "gpu-runner"
cloud: "gcp"
gpu: "nvidia-tesla-t4"
instance_type: "n1-standard-1"
machine_image: "ubuntu-minimal-2004-lts"
preemptible: true
- "cirun-gpu-runner"

Name: name

Name of the runner.

Cloud: cloud

Name of the cloud provider, here are the possible options:

  • Google Cloud Platform
cloud: "gcp"
  • Amazon Web Services
cloud: "aws"
  • DigitalOcean
cloud: "do"
  • Azure
cloud: "azure"
  • Openstack
cloud: "openstack"

GPU: gpu

Name of the GPU if runner is required with a GPU. See Cloud provider's documentation for gpu names.

gpu: "nvidia-tesla-t4"

This flag also installs nvidia-drivers in the given VM


For using GPUs on AWS, we recommend using NVIDIA Deep Learning AMI from AWS Marketplace. See the Custom Images section for the documentation on how to use that. Also note this flag is not required for NVIDIA Deep Learning AMI image on AWS.

Instance Type: instance_type

Name of the instance depending on the cloud provider.

instance_type: "n1-standard-1"  # For GCP
instance_type: "t3.nano"  # For AWS
instance_type: "s-1vcpu-1gb"  # For DigitalOcean
instance_type: "Standard_DS1_v2"  # For Azure
instance_type: "m1.small"  # For Openstack

Machine Image: machine_image

The OS image for the runner.


It can be seen from "gcloud compute images list"

machine_image: "ubuntu-minimal-2004-lts"


Amazon Machine image ID

machine_image: "ami-06fd8a495a537da8b"


Slug of the machine image, can be obtained from DigitalOcean CLI via: doctl compute image list --public

machine_image: "ubuntu-20-04-x64"


Machine image takes 4 parameters(publisher, offer, sku, version) for available images on Azure. For custom images, it takes only one parameter(id). Images can be obtained from Azure CLI via: az vm image list --output table

publisher: "Canonical"
offer: "UbuntuServer"
sku: "18.04-LTS"
version: "latest"


In OpenStack cloud by default you are provided with cirros image, you can also build your custom image and use them. You can see all your images in the dashboard or can also use the OpenStack CLI command openstack image list.

machine_image: "cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk"

Preemptible: preemptible

Option to chose low cost instances, also knows as preemptible in GCP and Spot in AWS, default is false. This is not applicable for DigitalOcean and Openstack as they don't support preemptible instances.

preemptible: true

Region: region

Region to spin up runners in your cloud account.

region: "us-central1-b"  # Example for GCP

Labels: labels

Add label(s) to your runner definition, so that you can add the same or subset of these labels in the "runs-on" param in .github/workflows/.yml So that this runner is created for running the workflow.

- "cirun-runner"
- "cirun-gpu-runner"

Labels must start with prefix cirun-

Workflow: workflow (DEPRECATED)

This param is deprecated and not recommended for use. Please use labels parameter to match workflow with a runner configuration.

Path of the relevant workflow for this runner.

workflow: ".github/workflows/test.yml"

Run workflow when triggered by a team member: run_only_when_triggered_by

Run the workflow job only when the workflow was triggered (or committed) by a user of the mentioned team. In other words Cirun will spin up machine only when the workflow is requested by a member of the team and will cancel the workflow otherwise.

The team is a group of users in an organization, read more about it here:

run_only_when_triggered_by: "my-awesome-github-organisation-team"
Organization wide settings priority

For organizations, this setting can be controlled organization wide as well.

This setting can be overriden by the config in the organization. In other words the configuration value for run_only_when_triggered_by in the (in the repository named .cirun: <org_name>/.cirun/ will take priority over repository setting (in .cirun.yml).

Cirun Global Configuration


API documentation for file. This is for organization wide settings/configuration.

To create global organization wide settings:

  • create a repo named .cirun in the organization and then create
  • a file named in that repo.

Below is the API documentation for available global settings/configurations.

Global configuration:

Run workflow when triggered by a team member: run_only_when_triggered_by

Run any workflow job only when the workflow was triggered (or committed) by a user of the mentioned team. In other words Cirun will spin up machine only when the workflow is requested by a member of the team and will cancel the workflow otherwise.

The team is a group of users in an organization, read more about it here:

run_only_when_triggered_by: "my-awesome-github-organisation-team"